Dating Someone Who Makes Less Money Than You

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Giving in to their unwanted advances now will only encourage the same boundary pushing behavior later on. If they can’t respect your boundaries this early into your relationship, you don’t want to be with them. If he continues to feel this way and is unable to split our future mortgage payments with me 50/50, I know that the option to put the house in my name is there. But who knows what the future holds; he could one day become comfortable with the idea of his debt becoming “our” debt. Or I may, when the time comes, realize I’m not comfortable paying debt that isn’t mine.

The Rich Miser has been featured on major outlets such as MarketWatch, Consumer Reports, and NBC. “Talk to your partner about how you’d divide living expenses. Early in a relationship, it’s reasonable for each person to pay half. But in a long-term relationship, especially a marriage, you’re in this together and you need to be equal partners, even if your incomes are different.

But we’ve all seen this before because relationships with different levels of attractiveness are fairly common in our society. Ask yourself if you’re in love with a man who happens to be rich, or if you’re dating a man only because he’s rich. If the diamond earrings he gives you are more meaningful than his tender kisses, then chances are, you’re in the relationship for the wrong reasons, and it won’t last. Our very best stories, recipes, style and shopping tips, horoscopes and special offers.


The playa hunts for the sheer sport of it. As the saying goes, “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” Well, the same goes for men. Women are often cautious of the infamous playas, but these are the men you want to keep close. A man can’t be a playa unless he has something women want.


This, in fact, is the type of behavior that makes wealthy singles feel insecure and worried. If you date someone with money, make an extra effort to suggest date activities that involve middle-of-the-road costs. By doing this, you are sending a clear message that you are interested in getting to know that new person better, not trying to milk him or her for their money. When it comes to dating a guy who doesn’t rake in as much dough as you do, turn up the Aretha Franklin and make sure that you are giving each other some R-E-S-P-E-C-T! A relationship without mutual respect is not a relationship—so it is equally important that the respect you give is returned to you regarding the same choices you’ve made in your life.

As a dating coach, I try to teach concepts that aren’t blatantly obvious. Relationship advice for men tends to focus on building up attraction – how to make more money, how to have a better body, how to make the first move. There’s nothing wrong with marrying a poor guy if you have the means to support him. There IS something wrong with marrying a poor guy who doesn’t have a sense of fairness and appreciation for your efforts. I’m guessing every reader here had the same initial reaction to your email, “Lisa, you poor girl!

The point here is that you both need to realize that just because you’ve had more or fewer experiences, it does not make either of you more or less valuable as a person. If you’re the one on the side that isn’t as financially set, don’t look down on your dating match just because they are financially set. The same goes for you if you’re the one on the financial high road.

Your financial responsibilities might not mesh well together. He’s been in the game longer than you, which means he could be more emotionally intelligent. But this isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

The false relationship that he currently has with his family isn’t real. He needs to come out to his family in order for you to be with him. Give him time, and give him support, but make it clear to him that coming out to his parents in the future is non-negotiable. What is he doing when you’re slaving away to make a hard-earned living? Can he barely support himself so he relies solely on you?

Similarly, if one of you is in college, and the other one is the CEO of a company, you both are at two very different stages of your life. If it’s a daddy/baby dynamic, that’s completely fine, and your relationship can work out. But if you’re trying to share a life together, it will be tough when you’re both doing different things, and have different priorities. So focus less on age and more on where you are/what you’re doing in your life. Social media vies for people’s attention leading women to commercialize themselves, which gives men an unrealistic expectation of the dating pool. On social media, people are encouraged to only show their best, even if it’s fake!